This repository contains a list of free to use AI APIs.
You are welcome to contribute to this list by opening a pull request :)
A lot of the services also support GPT-4 for donators, but we are just including the free tier here.
This table is under construction, and some cells are empty.
If GPT-4 is free on the service, the restictions/rate limits are listed in the `GPT-4` column. If the service does not support GPT-4, the `GPT-4` column will be "🚫".
"IP lock" means that the service only allows requests from a specific IP address. Often, you can reset the IP address in the Discord server of the service. If the service does not have an IP lock, the `No IP lock?` column will be "✅".
For transparency: I founded FoxGPT, but I'm not working on this project anymore. [@adi6409]( is.
###### We are not endorsing any of the listed services!
###### All information is provided without warranty of any kind. We are not responsible for any legal, technical or any other damage caused by using the listed services.