import json import os import random import time from pymongo import MongoClient with open('./config.json', 'r') as file: config = json.load(file) class Keys: # --- START OF CONFIG --- MONGO_URI = os.getenv('MONGO_URI') or config.get('MONGO_URI') # --- END OF CONFIG --- locked_keys = set() cache = {} # Initialize MongoDB client = MongoClient(MONGO_URI) db = client.get_database('keys_db') collection = db['keys'] def __init__(self, key: str, model: str, provider_name: str, ratelimit: int, url: str): self.key = key self.model = model self.provider_name = provider_name self.ratelimit = ratelimit self.url = url if not Keys.cache: self._load_keys() def _load_keys(self) -> None: cursor = Keys.collection.find({}, {'_id': 0, 'key_value': 1, 'model': 1, 'provider_name': 1, 'ratelimit': 1, 'url': 1, 'last_used': 1}) for doc in cursor: key_value = doc['key_value'] model = doc['model'] provider_name = doc['provider_name'] ratelimit = doc['ratelimit'] url = doc['url'] last_used = doc.get('last_used', 0) key_data = {'provider_name': provider_name, 'ratelimit': ratelimit, 'url': url, 'last_used': last_used} Keys.cache.setdefault(model, {}).setdefault(key_value, key_data) def lock(self) -> None: self.locked_keys.add(self.key) def unlock(self) -> None: self.locked_keys.remove(self.key) def is_locked(self) -> bool: return self.key in self.locked_keys @staticmethod def get(model: str) -> str: key_candidates = list(Keys.cache.get(model, {}).keys()) random.shuffle(key_candidates) current_time = time.time() for key_candidate in key_candidates: key_data = Keys.cache[model][key_candidate] key = Keys(key_candidate, model, key_data['provider_name'], key_data['ratelimit'], key_data['url']) time_since_last_used = current_time - key_data.get('last_used', 0) if not key.is_locked() and time_since_last_used >= key.ratelimit: key.lock() key_data['last_used'] = current_time # Update last_used in the cache Keys.collection.update_one( {'key_value': key.key, 'model': key.model}, {'$set': {'last_used': current_time}} # Update last_used in the database ) return { 'url': key.url, 'key_value': key.key } print(f"[WARN] No unlocked keys found for model '{model}' in get keys request!") def delete(self) -> None: Keys.collection.delete_one({'key_value': self.key, 'model': self.model}) # Update cache try: del Keys.cache[self.model][self.key] except KeyError: print(f"[WARN] Tried to remove a key from cache which was not present: {self.key}") def save(self) -> None: key_data = { 'provider_name': self.provider_name, 'ratelimit': self.ratelimit, 'url': self.url, 'last_used': 0 # Initialize last_used to 0 when saving a new key } Keys.collection.insert_one({'key_value': self.key, 'model': self.model, **key_data}) # Update cache Keys.cache.setdefault(self.model, {}).setdefault(self.key, key_data) # Usage example: # os.environ['MONGO_URI'] = "mongodb://localhost:27017" # key_instance = Keys("example_key", "gpt-4", "openai", "10", "https://whatever-openai-thing-is/chat/completions/") # # key_value = Keys.get("gpt-4")