"""Security checks for the API. Checks if the IP is masked etc.""" import os import httpx from rich import print import proxies from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() is_proxy_enabled = False class InsecureIPError(Exception): """Raised when the IP address of the server is not secure.""" def ip_protection_check(): """Makes sure that the actual server IP address is not exposed to the public.""" actual_ips = os.getenv('ACTUAL_IPS', '').split() if actual_ips: echo_response = httpx.get( url='https://echo.hoppscotch.io/', timeout=15 ) response_data = echo_response.json() response_ip = response_data['headers']['x-forwarded-for'] for actual_ip in actual_ips: if actual_ip in response_data: raise InsecureIPError(f'IP pattern "{actual_ip}" is in the values of ACTUAL_IPS of the\ .env file. Enable a VPN or proxy to continue.') if is_proxy_enabled: print(f'[green]SUCCESS: The IP "{response_ip}" was detected, which seems to be a proxy. Great![/green]') else: print('[yellow]WARNING: ACTUAL_IPS is not set in the .env file or empty.\ This means that the real IP of the server could be exposed. If you\'re using something\ like Cloudflare or Repl.it, you can ignore this warning.[/yellow]') if __name__ == '__main__': enable_proxy() ip_protection_check()