# This example requires the 'members' and 'message_content' privileged intents to function. import os import asyncio import nextcord import requests import keys import chatbot import embedder from dotenv import load_dotenv from nextcord.ext import commands from nextcord import SlashOption load_dotenv() bot = commands.Bot( intents=nextcord.Intents.all(), default_guild_ids=[int(guild_id) for guild_id in os.getenv('DISCORD_GUILD_IDS').split()] ) @bot.event async def on_ready(): print(f'Online as {bot.user} (ID: {bot.user.id})') await bot.change_presence(activity=nextcord.Game(name='with fire')) @bot.event async def on_message(message): await bot.process_commands(message) @bot.slash_command(description='Chat with AI') async def chat(interaction: nextcord.Interaction, prompt: str = SlashOption(description='AI Prompt', required=True) ): await chatbot.respond(interaction, prompt) @bot.slash_command(description='Sets your DMs up, so you can write the bot.') async def dm(interaction: nextcord.Interaction): try: await interaction.user.create_dm() await embedder.info(interaction.user.dm_channel, 'Hello!') except nextcord.Forbidden: await embedder.error(interaction, text='Please open this server\'s options, go to `Privacy Settings` and enable `Direct Messages` and `Message Requests`.') else: await embedder.ok(interaction, 'Great, DMs are set up successfully!') @bot.slash_command(description='Get your secret NovaAI API key.') async def key(interaction: nextcord.Interaction): try: resp = requests.post( url='https://nova-oss.com/api/tos-verification', timeout=5, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': os.getenv('TOS_VERIFICATION_KEY')} ).json() except Exception as exc: await embedder.error(interaction, """Sorry, the API server for the verification system is not functioning, which means you can\'t create a new key right now. Please report this issue to the staff!""") raise exc tos_code = resp['code'] tos_emoji = resp['emoji'] tos_message = await embedder.warn(interaction, f"""# THIS IS JUST A DEMO! # THE KEY DOESN'T WORK! You have to read the privacy policy and terms of service first. In the latter, there is a hidden emoji which you'll have to send (NOT react!) in here. https://nova-oss.com/legal/privacy https://nova-oss.com/legal/terms?verify={tos_code} I know it's annoying, but it really helps combat spam bots and abuse. This message will be deleted and your code will run out **after about 10 minutes** if you don't pass the verification, but **feel free to run this command again** at any time. """, ephemeral=True) def check(message): return interaction.user.id == message.author.id and message.content == tos_emoji try: answer = await bot.wait_for('message', timeout=666, check=check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await tos_message.delete() requests.delete( url=f'https://nova-oss.com/api/tos-verification/{tos_code}', timeout=5, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': os.getenv('TOS_VERIFICATION_KEY')} ) else: await answer.delete() api_key = await keys.create(interaction.user) await embedder.ok(interaction, f"""This is your **secret** API key. Don't paste it on untrusted websites, apps or programs. Store it securely using a `.env` file in the environment variables or use a secure password manager like *KeePass*, *ProtonPass* or *Bitwarden*. We reserve the right to __disable your API key at any time__ if you violate our terms of service. If you accept the terms of service and privacy policy, feel free to use the following API key: ## ||`{api_key}`|| """, ephemeral=True) bot.run(os.getenv('DISCORD_TOKEN'))