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synced 2024-11-29 10:03:57 +01:00
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"""Bot base."""
import os
import nextcord
import datetime
import api
import chatbot
import embedder
import autochat
import accounts
import community
import tutorials
import credential_manager
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from nextcord.ext import commands
from nextcord import SlashOption
guild_ids = [int(guild_id) for guild_id in os.getenv('DISCORD_GUILD_IDS').split()]
bot = commands.Bot(
default_guild_ids=guild_ids # so slash commands work
async def on_message(message):
if message.author.bot: # block bots
await autochat.process(message)
await bot.process_commands(message)
@bot.slash_command(description='Chat with AI')
async def chat(interaction: nextcord.Interaction,
prompt: str = SlashOption(description='AI Prompt', required=True)
await chatbot.respond(interaction, prompt)
@bot.slash_command(description='Sets your DMs up, so you can write the bot.')
async def dm_setup(interaction: nextcord.Interaction):
await interaction.user.create_dm()
await embedder.info(interaction.user.dm_channel, 'Hello!')
except nextcord.Forbidden:
await embedder.error(interaction, text="""Please open this server\'s options,
go to `Privacy Settings` and enable `Direct Messages` as well as `Message Requests`.""")
await embedder.ok(interaction, 'Great, DMs are set up successfully!')
@bot.slash_command(description='Create your account and get your API key.')
async def credentials(interaction: nextcord.Interaction):
return await credential_manager.get_credentials(interaction)
async def leaderboard(interaction: nextcord.Interaction):
return await community.leaderboard(interaction)
@bot.slash_command(description='Get info and stats about your NovaAI API account.')
async def account(interaction: nextcord.Interaction):
return await accounts.get_info(interaction)
@bot.slash_command(name='credits', description='Get information about the amount of credits you have on your NovaAI API account.')
async def credits_(interaction: nextcord.Interaction):
return await accounts.get_credits(interaction)
@bot.slash_command(description='Get credits of a certain user. Admin only.')
async def credits_of(interaction: nextcord.Interaction, user: nextcord.User):
return await accounts.get_credits_of(interaction, user)
@bot.slash_command(description='Manually set the credits of a certain user. Admin only.')
async def set_credits(interaction: nextcord.Interaction, user: nextcord.User, amount: int):
return await accounts.set_credits(interaction, user, amount)
@bot.slash_command(description='View examples and tips for implementing NovaAI\'s API.')
async def tutorial(interaction: nextcord.Interaction,
how_can_i: str = SlashOption(#
description='Read a tutorial on how to...',
'fix error 401 (invalid key)',
'fix error 429 (ratelimit/not enough credits)',
'use curl',
'use Node.js',
'get my NovaAI API key',
'use the Python library',
'fix ModuleNotFoundErrors',
'use the API in custom front-ends',
'program a Python Discord Bot with streaming',
return await tutorials.send(interaction, how_can_i)
@bot.slash_command(description='Lookup members by their Discord ID.')
async def lookup(interaction: nextcord.Interaction,
discord_id: int = SlashOption(description='Discord ID', required=True)
for member in interaction.guild.members:
if str(member.id).startswith(str(discord_id)):
return await embedder.ok(interaction, f'Result: {member.mention} (`{member.id}`)')
async def get_member_song_line(member):
if member.activity and member.activity.type == nextcord.ActivityType.listening:
album = ''
if member.activity.title != member.activity.album:
album = f'({member.activity.album})'
return f'{member.mention}: [{member.activity.artist.replace(";", ",")} - **{member.activity.title}** {album}]({member.activity.track_url})\n'
return ''
@bot.slash_command(description='See what others in this Discord are listening right now.')
async def music(interaction: nextcord.Interaction):
text = ''
for member in interaction.guild.members:
text += await get_member_song_line(member)
if text:
return await embedder.ok(interaction, text)
return await embedder.error(interaction, 'No one is listening to anything right now.')
@bot.slash_command(description='Get yourself a new API key')
async def resetkey(interaction: nextcord.Interaction):
return await accounts.reset_key(interaction)
async def status_update():
guild = bot.get_guild(int(os.getenv('DISCORD_GUILD')))
members = guild.members
await bot.change_presence(
name=f'{len(members)} members'
async def loop_status_update():
while True:
await status_update()
await nextcord.utils.sleep_until(datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1))
async def on_ready():
print(f'Online as {bot.user} (ID: {bot.user.id})')
await api.start(bot)
# display status as watching + discord guild member count and update every minute