Our finances - transparency is key!
Warning - no guarantees can be made that this information is 100% accurate.
Crypto currency prices are being updated once every hour.
As of: Loading...
We have received {{ finances.donations_num }} donations so far, totaling ${{ finances.donations_total }}. The largest donation is ${{ finances.donations_max }}.
The average donation has an amount of ${{ finances.donations_avg }}. Most people used {{ finances.most_used_donation_currency }} to donate.
We have spent ${{ finances.expenses_total }} so far, ${{ finances.expenses_wages }} of which are wages to our employees.
Our current balance is ~${{ finances.donations_total - finances.expenses_total }}. Please note that this is just a rough estimate and not an exact value. Due to transaction fees and price fluctuations, the actual balance is actually lower.